What Quality Job Candidates Are Now Looking For in a Place to Work

What Quality Job Candidates Are Now Looking For in a Place to Work

quality job candidates

Because of the 18-year low unemployment rate, it has become extremely difficult to bring in job candidates. It’s no surprise that because the top candidates know what they want in a job environment, they can be a bit pickier. Recruiting teams have to plan, focus, and deliver what quality job candidates want in an overall job experience. 

What do they really want, though? Well, do we have a list for you! Here are some of the non-negotiables: 

#1: Salary

There are many benefits that people can get due to their position. But at the end of the day, financial security from their salary is most desired. According to various surveys, 67% of said survey respondents are attracted to a job solely because of the given salary.

#2: Benefits

As aforementioned, candidates are seeking benefits that fit their needs. So, what benefits can your team offer that others can’t? Perhaps you need to think outside of the standard medical and dental insurances to really reel in the quality job candidate that you’re looking to bring into your team. 

Two benefits that may be great to tack onto your list include work-from-home opportunities and more attractive paid time off days. The classic “go into the office from 9-to-5” work mentality has recently shifted. It’s necessary to adapt! 

#3: Company Culture.

Workplace culture is a major factor in deciding to accept a position or not. If you’re spending 40+ hours somewhere, it should be a place that you genuinely enjoy. Because of this high level of attractiveness, recruiters should stay truthful during the hiring process about what the company culture looks like and clearly lists the company values. 

#4: Transparency

Speaking of truthfulness, transparency is a key factor that candidates want during the recruitment process. Be open and upfront about pay and benefits from the get-go. 

By demonstrating transparency, trust will be built, creating healthier long-term relationships. 

#5: Overall Candidate Experience

A simple and responsive candidate experience is the icing on the cake for some candidates seeking a job with your business. Maintain the candidate’s interest by engaging them and allowing them to be honest when asking or responding to questions. 

Getting Quality Job Candidates On Board

Okay, okay—we know it’s actually a bit more detail-oriented than that, but getting the quality job candidate that your company needs is an important part of the business. To ensure that you’re entering the recruitment process with the right tools, refer back to this blog or even connect with other EO Birmingham members! 

If you aren’t a member, contact us, and we would love to connect with you.

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